The English “th,” the dread of so many ESL and EFL learners. Tricky to learn and to teach as it means pronouncing sounds unused in many languages. Note: If you are just interested in learning how to pronounce the English “th” and not in the technical aspects developed at some length here, you can skip […]
Tag: Phonetics

Learning a Language? Improve Your Pronunciation with the International Phonetic Alphabet
You’ve done it (or you had no choice). You’ve decided to learn another language! But then, quickly, the frustration builds up. Reading and writing is going along ok, but the speaking … the pronunciation. The bane of many language learners: how to actually speak that language without making a complete fool of yourself. Two quite […]

How to pronounce the “th” without sticking your tongue out
“ze mozer of ziz boyz iz tirti-tri” A standard problem of English pronunciation: the English “th.” With a little help and practice, it actually is not that hard to master. (Note: For the first more technical article on “th” see my How I Teach the English “th” page.) Three Ways to Pronounce the “th” Contrary […]